I am NOT Miracle Whip

Posted on May 9, 2010


I know these have been running for some time, but every time I see one I still feel annoyed.

Does anyone else watch those Miracle Whip ads and think: “who associates their identity with a type of sandwich spread?”

I mean honestly, who wants to self proclaim themselves as a fatty white substance? Of all the consumer packaged goods one could identify with… a soft drink, a beer, or even a larger brand, like “we are a Nestle family.” But sandwich spread? The nasty white substance smeared between the bread and your lettuce/meat/pickles….

I know if the Ad is not resonating with me, it’s probably not targeted at me. However I would be interested to meet all of these outrageously cool hipsters who have developed their identity with the assistance of Miracle whip.  

Come on Miracle Whip… you should tone it down.

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