Follow Me, Friend Me, Watch Me, Like Me, Re-Tweet Me But DO NOT Track Me!

Posted on February 25, 2011


Behavioral targeting, or the method of mapping online activity, targets consumers based on the behaviors they exhibit online.

Our online identities are complex…we post our frustration with Comcast on our blogs,  videos of our kids playing Kinect on YouTube, proclaim our love for Johnny Rockets on twitter and help Coca Cola reach 22 million likes on Facebook. Despite our exhibitionist nature with brands online, when it comes to advertisers tracking our behavior to deliver targeted ads, industry moderators, consumers and government organizations are saying DO NOT TRACK ME.

Today, even as innovative online targeting companies such as Lotame Solutions Inc., Media6Degrees Inc., eXelate Media Ltd., [x + 1] Inc. and Turn Inc. rake in funding there are a myriad of initiatives from browser setting to industry groups that will protect your privacy. However threatening to cast its shadow over it all is the government, introducing new legislation to create a universal Opt-Out List. So how will the advertiser’s, publishers and targeting companies who depend on our cookies to meet their bottom line handle these oppositional forces?

Perhaps in order to figure out how to adapt the audience targeting business we must first understand why users are ok with conversing, promoting and being followed by brands in certain online mediums but not others? Is it the idea of choice and control? Do users on social mediums feel they are having a conversation rather than be delivered a message? Some believe the question really is not about how we ensure people don’t opt-out but rather how do we make people opt in?

My opinion as a professional in the online audience targeting industry: We need to start by providing users channels to express their preferences and show them the clear benefits of custom targeting. We can invest in tools to reach a million people who don’t want to be found or capture a thousand who care about what our advertisers have to offer.

Why do you think users are ok with giving companies their information through some mediums but not others and what do you think the future of behavioral targeting will look like?

*Please note this is a personal blog that in no way reflects the opinion of my Company.

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